Diaspora vote registration begins today, what are the steps to follow?

For the first time, in the May 14 elections, Albanians living abroad will have the right to vote and the registration process begins today.
Registration will be carried out through the Electronic Registration Platform (PER), a process that lasts until March 4.
Registration requires an electronic device, any device that has internet and a camera. First, you need an account on the PER platform, using a phone number or email, as well as personal data, such as your birthday, place of birth, and personal number.
The account is created only by showing the voter's face in front of the camera, to avoid family voting or voting through other people. After creating the account, the voter must submit a request in this same system, where he or she needs an Albanian identification document. At the time of registration, passports or cards are accepted even if they have expired.
The immigrant, when submitting his request for registration in the list of voters abroad according to the rules approved by the Regulatory Commission, uploads to the electronic registration platform at least one of the listed documents that proves his residence outside the territory of the Republic of Albania:
– Certificate of ownership or equivalent document in the country of residence, proving ownership of the apartment;
– Document proving residency in a foreign country issued by the relevant authorities;
– Rental contract or loan of the apartment;
– Bank documents (loan contract/bank certificate, etc.) containing the residential address;
– Supply contract or water supply bill for the apartment;
– Supply contract or bill for gas or electricity in the apartment;
– Digital audiovisual broadcasting service subscription contract or invoice;
– Contract or invoice for the internet service of the fixed telephone in the apartment;
– Document issued by the competent authority of the country of residence which certifies the voter's stay in a health institution, immigration camp or similar;
– Property document or equivalent issued in the country of residence proving ownership of the apartment;
– Driving license (license) in cases where the residential address is indicated;
Or any other document issued in a foreign country that proves the Albanian citizen's residence at the declared address abroad.
Within 5 days, the CEC will inform the immigrant whether his or her application was accepted or rejected. In case of rejection, the voter will be informed of what he or she did wrong, and will be given the opportunity to apply again.