Weekly horoscope Aquarius - Pisces

Weekly horoscope Aquarius - Pisces


If you were born under the sign of Aquarius, during the week you will exert more control over all your decisions and actions related to money or financial documents. Avoid tempting offers of quick profits. Be careful in financial relationships with unknown people. If you have an expectation that someone will return a loan given to you some time ago, then your expectations may turn out to be in vain.

Pay special attention to affairs or relationships with people with whom you will have financial, investment, or business relationships.

Those born in the first half of the month will be in a better position, and they should also follow this advice, but good income or financial gains are possible for them if they work in the field of business or trade.

During this week, various important conversations are coming, mainly with women. You will discuss with them the possible benefits of specific or general actions. You will think innovatively, have ideas, seek realization.

Boys and girls born under this zodiac sign will have to make a quick decision regarding a commitment that will have to be implemented in a short period of time. It doesn't matter who wins now, but who will mentally and emotionally save themselves from insults, accusations, and all kinds of bad words.

For men, if the development of some plans is delayed due to the displeasure of other people, don't worry. During this week you will be upset by various unpleasant news related to people you know and who have been close to you in the past or present.

Women will have their own plans and expectations for this week. Most of these will be related to your home, property or assets you own. Unfortunately, you will be asked to be patient as these plans of yours will have a slow development, much slower than you expect. Avoid conflicts just because things do not go the way you expect or want, especially if they involve a man.


If you were born under the sign of Pisces, it will be important this week to carefully approach younger people who may need your mentorship. Your experience can be an invaluable resource for them, but it is important to make sure that they are open and willing to learn. Discussing life lessons and sharing knowledge should not feel like forced behavior, but rather a natural part of the interaction and support you offer them. Try to create an environment where they themselves express interest and desire to learn something new from you. This will help build trust and better absorb information.

Some of the unexpected events during the week will be related to your home, or some type of property.

The week will favor the development of your travel plans. You will have interesting contacts and conversations with friends who live in other countries. You can make general plans for future actions when the situation in the world becomes calmer for both travel and work.

Some of the tricky situations during these seven days will involve information that could be said to be false, which will also not benefit you. Be careful in dealing with people who have a bad reputation, people with false identities, people with dishonest intentions.

Approach solving your problems responsibly and don't look for easy ways out of them.

Boys and girls will encounter the difficult, sarcastic, and hypocritical nature of a classmate, teacher, friend, or colleague.

During the week you will be surprised by a situation that will give you a very good chance of success.

Men this week will have to carefully stop or ignore attempts at manipulation or lies from someone with whom they have a close relationship. Such a situation will manage to surprise you, so it will be very difficult to act right, but not impossible.

During this week, women will have an important commitment or special expectations regarding their parents or other elderly relatives.

This week will be favorable for an engagement or a wedding.