Leo - Virgo monthly horoscope

Leo - Virgo monthly horoscope


If you were born under the sign of Leo, this month you will engage more seriously in various family matters or with people from your circle of relatives.

Situations related to delayed or misunderstood important information will easily arise between your family members or with people from your circle of relatives and friends.

During this month, many of you will engage in financial relationships with someone who lives in another city or country. In November, trouble will arise with a close man or woman who will not be inclined to accept advice or help from you.

During this month, health problems may appear, which will be related to an old disease of yours or a chronic health problem. Most likely, this problem will arise again due to unfinished treatment, wrong way of life on your part, etc.

Various circumstances and people will delay this month or postpone some of your commitments for an indefinite period of time.

November will be a turning point for girls and boys of this zodiac sign. You will realize that some events develop very quickly, that you have no control over them. You will have to be more active and dynamic in your actions in some areas of your life and learn to wait in others.

This month will be a time for taking stock and sometimes for more decisive decisions and actions.

Men will have some unpleasant experiences related to relationships and unresolved or unpaid financial obligations. You may need to enter into a new contract or change some terms or conditions in an existing contract. During this month, you will be required to pay more attention when working with documents, negotiating or concluding a new contract.

For women, this month will definitely be unpredictable, as unexpected changes in relationships, plans and expectations will occur. All this will be mainly due to the incorrect or frivolous attitude of other people, their attempts to manipulate you or use you in a way that is beneficial to them. During this month, some unpleasant secrets may be revealed, the sources of intrigues or malicious actions towards you may be revealed.


If you were born under the sign of Virgo, in November you will engage in various pre-planned meetings that will be important for the development of your career or family matters.

You will have interesting contacts or joint actions with people with whom you cooperate or have a common social-political activity.

During this month, some of you will engage in or follow the development of a court case.

News related to future motherhood or the birth of a child may surprise you.

The month of November will be difficult for you as you will have to solve domestic or property problems. Such situations will have remained unresolved from your recent past and will still be a source of tension or conflict.

Your love life will be interesting and will bring different emotions and experiences.

In November, concern will arise about a person or close friend who will be in the process of an important change or trial.

Boys and girls should be careful when traveling. Always try to be as organized and disciplined as possible.

During this month you can achieve an important success.

For men, expectations for any difficulties in November will have a completely different development. In most cases, your fear will turn out to be excessive and exaggerated. The overall development of events in your life will have the best outcome for you, taking into account the environment or circumstances in which you live.

Even if you have some temporary difficulties or bad days, they will pass quickly.

Women will have to make an important financial decision.

During this month, you will draw up an important document or contract. This will be an important month to lay the foundations of your future plans.