Yuval Harari: Why people use the internet to watch TikTok

The most famous professor of history, but also of Artificial Intelligence at the moment, Yuval Harari, in an interview for La Republicca, the Italian newspaper, tells why people use the Internet today, why do you especially like TikTok? What do they find there? Listen to it in full in the video we have prepared at tiranapost.al
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Ricacardo Luna: The vast majority of people don't use the internet to learn, but to watch videos on TikTok, often idiotic videos. Why does this happen?
Yuval Noah Harari: Basically, there are two problems. First, the truth is often complicated and we humans like simple stories. The second problem has to do with the fact that the truth is often painful, not at all comfortable, and we don't like uncomfortable things. People prefer to follow stories that make them feel good, even if they are not true. When the printing press was invented, the most widely read book was not that of Copernicus, who changed the world by laying the foundations of modern science; the most widely read was Heinrich Kramer's Melleus Maleficarum, a witch-hunting manual. It was simple to understand and fascinating with all those stories of witches, stolen goods, witch parties. Made-up orgies are far more interesting than Copernican equations. The same thing happens today with TikTok videos. Our nature has not changed at all.