
Rain and hail today

Rain and hail today

Today, our country will remain under the influence of relatively unstable atmospheric conditions.

The weather is expected to be cloudy and clear.

Rain from the first hours of the 24-hour in the south and partly in the northeast, the precipitation is expected to be of low intensity and locally average, mainly in the south.

From midday, the rain will be present with low intensity in most of the territory, but in the southeast mainly in the mountainous reliefs in short intervals of rain in the form of thunderstorms, accompanied by electrical discharges and locally hail. .

The wind is expected to be southeast-northwest with an average speed of up to 7m/sec, which occasionally gains speed up to 14-16m/sec. Waves in the seas are expected to be force 3-4.

Temperatures are forecast:

in mountainous areas 10 to 24 °C

in low areas 13 to 31°C

in coastal areas 15 to 30°C