
How will the weather be today?

How will the weather be today?

For Tuesday, the gradual passage of the cold front with low atmospheric pressure is expected over our country. The weather is forecasted with medium and dense clouds as well as alternating clearings in the afternoon.

Rainfall with low intensity in the form of short-term thunderstorms starts in the early hours of the day. In the evening hours, the rains lose territory and intensity, then the rains stop in the entire territory.

In the Alps and in the mountainous reliefs in the northeast and southeast at altitudes above 1000m, the presence of light snowfall and occasionally moderate snowfall on the mountain tops.

The wind will blow in the northwest-northeast direction at a speed of 1-6m/sec, while along the coastline and the valley the wind gains speed up to 10-12m/sec accompanied by waves of force 1-2.

Temperatures are expected in mountainous areas -1 to 14°C, in low areas 2 to 20°C and in coastal areas 6 to 20°C.