
Baklava nuts, the food of longevity

Baklava nuts, the food of longevity

The famous nuts with which housewives will spread baklava are also healthy. This is not new news, but how exactly?

Why are nuts considered the food of longevity? Below you will find all the reasons.


Sources of protein and fiber, an incredible store of minerals such as phosphorus and magnesium, walnuts provide those polyunsaturated fatty acids required as medicine for the heart and arteries.


In a massive Harvard study that analyzed the eating habits of almost 120,000 Americans over thirty years, a link between the consumption of nuts once a week and risk emerged. 11% less mortality.


Again thanks to the data collected during this long study, it was possible to highlight a relationship with hyperglycemia. Per week, the incidence of diabetes would drop by 24% from consuming nuts.