More Self Love. Erjona Shehu: Innovative products are preventing years of damage to the skin

We all want to look young, beautiful and fresh. And to be so, the skin plays an essential role - the care of which is part of the daily routine. In recent years, technology and science have come together to bring breakthrough innovations to the world of skin care. Innovative products are being created to meet the needs of consumers and improve the health and appearance of their skin. Today in every industry we are seeing how innovation is perfecting products in reducing harm, today we have the opportunity to consume "decaf" (coffee without coffee content) instead of traditional coffee, certified smokeless cigarettes instead of traditional cigarettes, solutions with bio/ecological content etc. The same care, the same innovation for skin care.
Following the awareness campaign "More Self-Love" by the organization KREO, the well-known dermatologist Erjona Shehu in a conversation about skin care, especially in the prevention of age signs, says that products that reduce damage to health are rapidly replacing some previous habits in the care we show for health.
"Dermatological medicine is more active today than ever! Every day we are in front of new dermatological pharmacological products. The essence of the mechanism of action of dermatological products lies in prevention. Sun creams are being perfected not only in protection against the sun, but also in its hydration and the creation of anti-age contents. More and more attempts are being made to use vitamin, amino acid and natural acid contents. The different ranges of acidic percentages, levels of hyaluronic acid, ceramides and proteins are being combined in perfection in order for everyone to find themselves in the lines offered," says Shehu.
According to her, if there is a perception that skin products fight aging and beautify, for dermatologists these products prevent the damage caused by the years, the external and internal environment, our lifestyle, reducing them to the maximum and enabling well-being and health, for the skin and consequently for our health. "If a while ago we were talking about sunscreens, now we have creams for use after the sun. If before we only talked about creams, now we also talk about oral supplements, if before we only had maintenance treatments, now we also have corrective treatments and devices. It is a whole structure of tools, professionals and products, which apparently are only at the beginning of the important process of reducing the risk from the environment and the choices we make!" says well-known dermatology.
Shehu emphasizes that the skin is the largest organ of the human body with a number of functions in it and that its most important function, the protective one, is directly related to the changes that occur in the external environment.
"Changes in temperature, exposure to the sun, percentages of humidity, environmental pollution, etc., affect our skin from birth to leaving this world. Based on these influences, dermatological medicine has added pharmacological mechanisms to protect the skin and provide it with health and well-being. Emollient creams protect from temperature changes, thermal waters hydrate and refresh, remove pollutants and microbial agents, while protective creams prevent the appearance of skin cancers as a result of exposure to the sun. Therefore, nowadays, a home pharmacy cannot be understood without these products that minimize the damage of the external environment and prevent irreversible changes in the human skin. Knowing your skin type and designing a regimen for it are the keys to success not only for healthy skin, but also for beautiful skin," says dermatologist Erjona Shehu.