"I need a break, to go to the beach and relax." It is not strange to hear this wish expressed by a person who is tired because of his work or family duties. It may be that in some cases you have said it yourself, and you would do well to do so, as the effects that the sea has on people are surprising. The sea is not only able to calm us, but it can also change our body chemistry.
Below you can find out what are the benefits of spending a day at the beach, so on the list of places you have to visit, you can make the beach a priority.
The sea has been a cure for tens of generations
People have been able to obtain the healthy effects that the sea has always had. As far back as the 18th century, physician William Buchan tended to prescribe his patients a trip to a seaside location to pursue sea therapy. In fact, hospitals were built mainly to carry out these practices and today we can say that they were on the right track, as it was discovered that the effect of the sea can transform us.
The sea helps us oxygenate the body and support the mind
One of the beneficial effects was discovered by a team of scientists who wanted to study the link between the beach and health, through a project called BlueHealth. Researchers have found that the sounds of the sea stimulate an area of the brain called the prefrontal cortex, which is the area responsible for our emotions and personal reflection. In practice, they realized that the sea enhances our brain's ability to recognize ourselves and feel emotional well-being.
Sea waves play a fundamental role in our well-being
According to research, when we are at the beach, our body absorbs the negative ions that are released by the waves and generate changes in our molecules. In practice, they prompt our bodies to absorb more oxygen and regulate levels of serotonin, a hormone that controls anxiety. Outcome? A sense of peace similar to what can be felt after practicing yoga.
The sounds of the sea reduce stress levels
Researchers say that the sound of the sea can reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, and give us a sense of calm. Furthermore, they added that it can remind us of our mother's heart while we were still in her womb, this would have an emotional impact regarding protection and safety.
Its surface gives us security
“Kur ne shikojmë drejt detit, ose përgjatë bregut, ne perceptojmë një mjedis të parashikueshëm dhe të qëndrueshëm”, tha neuroshkencëtari Michael Merzenich. Ai shpjegoi se ne ndihemi të sigurt kur jemi në vende të lira nga kërcënimet, siç janë kafshët e egra në pyll ose kriminelët në një qytet të madh dhe sipërfaqja e detit që humbet në horizont në mënyrë të sheshtë dhe konstante transmeton për trurin tonë ndjenjën e stabilitetit dhe sigurisë.
Nëse qëndroni në diell pranë detit, merrni impulsin kimik të lumturisë
A study found that when we lie in the sun on the beach, the heat affects our endocrine system, responsible for the release of endorphins (substances produced by the brain, the action of which makes us feel better, like enjoying a cup of hot chocolate). Indeed, we should always pay attention and not forget to apply sunscreen and keep ourselves hydrated.