Tami Muller is a happiness coach who has been studying the science of happiness for the past five years.
"Happy people make more money, have better relationships and are more successful in life, not the other way around," says Muller.
Choosing to engage in practices like building strong social connections and finding a purpose that nourishes you is what leads to happiness and fulfillment, not reaching a specific financial goal.
But being happier in life can lead to financial growth and success, says Muller. "Happiness is what's actually making us successful," she notes.
A 2005 systematic review of 225 papers found that being happy can lead to success in various areas of life, including income and health.
And when it comes to having better relationships, happier people who live longer prioritize and often strengthen their personal connections, according to a Harvard study of more than 80 years of data.
"We really need to focus not on how to be more successful, but how to be happier," says Muller, "Then success will follow."