Episode of ZëmeMirënPodcast with President Vjosa Osmani

President Vjosa Osmani comes to the first podcast for 2025 as a closer account of the most powerful woman in Kosovo.
Highly voted, highly liked, but equally highly attacked and discussed. As happens with brilliance and success, and especially in the case of women, the light blinds the eyes.
President Osmani talks about her life as president, her meetings with various leaders, but also her meeting with the man of the moment, Elon Musk.
The mother of twins, on weekends and every morning when she's at home, gets up and makes breakfast, and even on Sundays she says she beats every restaurant in Kosovo for Elbasan Tava.
She never forgot that she was president during this podcast, and after every answer she talked about Kosovo and her drive to never stop telling the "story" of Kosovo.
"You don't have to be a big country to be in the spotlight," - as President Osmani said - "a country's history is stronger than its square kilometers."
*This podcast of "Zë me Miran" was supported by Vodafone, Metropolitan, Credins, Eurosig, UBA, TUMO
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